Saturday, February 4, 2012

Hope, Sheep and Rocking Chairs

Today Joshua's study buddy (or whatever grad-school, grown-up term they use these days), brought up an interesting point. He was talking about all the plans he has for the future and things he wants to happen: get married, have kids, work for this really cool company. Then he said, Ahh, I plan too much, and paraphrased one of his favorite scriptures, James 4:14--
Whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even a avapour, that appeareth for a little time, and then vanisheth away. .  . .

Joshua was reminded of Hebrews 11:1--
Now afaith is the bsubstance of things choped for, the devidence of things not seen.

Joshua came home and was telling me about the conversation.  I like the mesh of the two scriptures.  Hope and plan and be excited for life.   Have faith, knowing that your life is in God's hands (not your own) and that's okay. It might not turn out at all liked you hoped for.  But it will be a pretty dang good life.  

So, here are some of the things I hope for (not in order of importance at all)

1. A real couch that I can curl up on. From a real store (like RC Willy Outlet)
2. Pet Sheep. Because dog poop smells and goats eat your trees.  Joshua likes the idea of getting something useful (wool) out of them every year when shearing season rolls around.
3. Lots of hugs and smiles from baby Charles and however many siblings come after him
4. A big garden that Joshua can come and get his exercise tilling.  And harvesting enough Yukon gold and red potatoes to last us the whole year.
5. Chickens.  Welcoming our hens back home someday (or at least their honorary descendants).
Family picture from two summers ago. From left: Joshua, Starks, Erica, Norman and Buddy (may he rest in peace)

6. Talking as we sit in our rocking chairs on our porch some evening, reflecting on our many many happy years of life together.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this, those scriptures are awesome! It helps me put life in perspective again :)