Sunday, March 17, 2013

Graphic Design in Manhattan

Once a week I get to feel like a real New Yorker as I commute (by myself!) to Manhattan for a graphic design class. Some weeks I think wow, I am really bad at this stuff and I should just never do it again. But other weeks I am proud of something I have done. Our teacher is great and teaches us about seeing art in all things, then applying to our work. He has been teaching us good work methods and helping up get jobs done fast. I don't know how well I have done at that last lesson; we keep getting assignments piled on before the last one is even finished! And I don't usually have the million hours I would want to work on a project (something about having a baby who wants to jump on your laptop.

Here is a picture of my teacher giving a photography demonstration:

He is a cool Italian guy from Brooklyn. It makes me laugh when some of us students have a hard time figuring out what word he is saying, because his accent is so strong!

I have not really finished any projects, but here are some samples:

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